• Türkçe
  •          +90 216 999 02 79     destek@grafikare.com

    About Us

    Grafikare Agency About

    With 20 years of experience in industry publishing and technology, our agency, Grafikare Agency, is at your service.


    About Grafikare Agency

    Our expert design team creates custom designs tailored to your needs, offering various alternatives until you approve the final version. We ensure that your designs are resized for use across all platforms and then apply them to both print and digital media.

    We want to focus on consumer experiences by not only meeting their needs through communication but also ensuring meaningful interaction. We believe that success comes more from sharing knowledge than just owning it.

    Fatih Mah. Çiğdemlik Sok. No:1 B Blok D:19 Sancaktepe / İstanbul

    +90 532 053 05 43


    Ziraat Bankası TL : TR63 0001 0005 1597 5699 7350 01


    Our dynamic team, trained in design, art, and technical fields,

    Yaren ÖZ

    Kurucu Tasarımcı

    Ferhat ÖZ

    Kurucu Ortak

    Metin Doğan

    Profesyonel Fotoğrafçı & Photoshop Ustası

    Özgür Güven

    Ahmet Can Arslan

    Steadicam Operatörü / Kameraman

    Can Aslan

    Videographer & Kurgu / Montaj

    Murat Karakaya

    Görüntü Yönetmeni & Kameraman & Jimmy Jib Operatörü

    Can Ongur

    Görsel İletişim Tasarım Uzmanı & İçerik Editörü

    We on Social Media

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